Nail Fungus (also called tinea unguium or onychomychosis) affects the fingernails and toenails of an estimated 12% of the North American population. This disease is commonly misunderstood and left untreated for various reasons. The fungi that cause toenail fungus are related to those that cause ringworm, athlete’s foot, and other common fungal infections. Nail fungus is a living organism that thrives in dark, damp environments such as under and around nails. Toenail fungus is unsightly, embarrassing and can be painful. Nail fungus is not related to poor hygiene. It is just a fact that our nails are located in dark warm, moist place where fungus can thrive – our socks and shoes. Nail fungus is the most common cause of discolored, thick, and deformed toenails.

Symptoms of infection can be yellowish, white, or green discoloration of a toenail area. If left untreated, the entire nail may eventually become discolored, thick, flaky, and detached from the underlying nail bed. An accumulation of dead, white, dry material may form between the nail and underlying nail bed. The infected toenails are usually not painful until the nail becomes so thick that it rubs against shoes.

In order for a fungal infection of the nail to occur, the fungus successfully attacks and penetrates the nail plate or nail bed. This can only happen if the nail plate is damaged or separated from the underlying nail bed. This damage or separation needs only be microscopic in size; that is all a fungus needs to invade the nail. The majority of healthy people have a natural immunity against the organisms, so they can successfully destroy the fungi before it takes hold in the nail plate or bed.

Toenail fungus may spread from foot to foot on the wet floors of showers and locker rooms, and around swimming pools. Those who frequently use these facilities can be at greater risk for fungal nail infections.

The fungi which cause athlete’s foot of the skin are the same organisms that cause fungal nail infections. People who experience frequent attacks of athlete’s foot are more prone to developing fungal nail infections.

Frequent injuries to the toenails may loosen the nail from the nail bed, allowing fungi to invade nail. Athletes and those who wear tight or pointed toe shoes frequently injure their toenails, increasing their risk of toenail fungal infections.

Bio-Gel and acrylic nails prevent air from getting to the nail plate. Fresh air helps the nails be dry and healthy. Harsh chemicals in nail polish may help to destroy the structure of the nail thus even continuous wear of nail polish may contribute to a fungal infection.

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